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Digital Certificate of Vaccination “Green Pass” ISO-standardized ready & available

Lady with mask at the airport

Scytáles AB is proud to announce that Scytáles Mobile Vaccination Passport and Validation Service based on an International Reading Standard is ready and available to serve issuing Governments and billions of citizens around the Globe.

The European Commission is to present proposals this month for a Digital Green Pass to facilitate travel for EU citizens. Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, has stated that the EU-wide digital certificate will provide proof that a person has been vaccinated, results of COVID-19 testing and information on the pandemic and the path to recovery.

“The Digital Green Pass should facilitate Europeans’ lives. The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad – for work or tourism,” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission.

The wheel does not need to be reinvented. The solution already exists; there have been international interoperability tests, and it is integrated for use exclusively on mobile phones.

With Strict GDPR Compliancy and ISO 18013-5 Interoperability

The Scytáles Mobile Vaccination Passport combines COVID-19 test results and proof of vaccination with the same security level as an official ID document. Functions and processes are GDPR compliant insofar that upon sharing the proof of vaccination, consent needs to be given by the citizen. GDPR compliancy protects the citizen from unauthorized usage, and the application is supported by a PIN Code and a Biometric Validation.

“There is no doubt that a vaccination passport based on an international standard, digitally and safely stored on our mobile phones, will allow us to resume travelling within the EU. The ISO standard and GDPR compliance ensure that information can be read and validated across borders. No other form, printed or whatsoever, can do this without the risk of falsification and a possible security gap (leak of sensitive information),” John Glykos, Country Manager Greece and Regional Manager Europe, Scytáles AB.

Scytáles AB together with its global partner GET Group has been the driving force in the ISO standardization work since 2016. There are three main axes around which a Digital Green Pass must be built, which are already in place with the current ISO 18013-5:

  • Privacy & Anonymization: respect for GDPR rules and even greater restrictions to ensure full protection of personal data and grant only the absolutely necessary information by citizens to the respective control mechanism in a fully insured environment, and for the minimum time needed.

  • Interoperability: the absolute need to be able to use it from all Member States and from all over the world which can only be guaranteed by the ISO Organization certification, in our case ISO-18013-5.

  • Offline Function: the ability to validate effectively, while perfectly protecting personal data, in an environment where there is no internet connection or any other type of connection.


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About Scytáles

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Scytáles is the leading developer of ISO-Mobile Driving Licenses and Mobile IDs as a complement to Security Printed Documents and Validation mechanisms. With our fully ISO-compliant technology, we are the global leaders of the new generation of personal credentials using a cell phone while authorizing what data will be shared. We enable going mobile and validating in real-time in online and offline modes, by standardization and using NFC, Bluetooth, QR Codes, Wifi Aware, PDF417 and other technologies as per defined in ICAO 9303 and ISO 18013-5. Scytáles AB represents Sweden as an expert through the Standardization Body (SIS) SIS/TK 448 and Task Force 14 on mDL within ISO/IEC 18013-5 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG10. Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden and offices in the US, Greece and Portugal.


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